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What is iEF?

  • The iEF courses offer you an excellent opportunity to study the Word of God through the Internet.
  • Using the online version of the courses, you can take material at home or in the office at a pace that is convenient for you.
  • You will be given lectures by qualified teachers in the form of books and synopses. You will also have access to accompanying courses, textbooks and other Christian literature.
  • The material is delivered using a simple test system.

Register today and join us in studying the Covenant of God!

About Courses

Anyone who wants to become a student of the IEF course can become a student of the IEF, at whose heart the desire to serve the Lord burns. For this it is necessary to be a member of the local evangelical church.

Training can be conducted individually or in groups. The IEF program is an alternative to INTRACURAL education. It is aimed at helping the Church to begin biblical education within its structure. At the discretion of the head can be held both permanently and in absentia. To do this, the Church should have a group of students of at least 10 people, led by a coordinator. The pastor of the church in which the education takes place must necessarily be personally acquainted with the educational course, and give his consent to conduct classes.

The academic program of the IEF course is designed for three years of study.

In total, the educational course contains 44 teaching aids that are available to reveal the basic doctrines and truths necessary for the knowledge of God and his Word.

The academic year consists of three semesters and includes about 15 subjects. At the time of registration, you will be asked to choose the ministry that you are currently carrying and, depending on this, you are offered a sequence of studying the subjects of the college. After passing each subject, the student is tested on the site in the Courses section. Continuation of training is possible only after the successful completion of the current course. You can go through an introductory books consisting of three subjects, completely free.

Learning support

The student is given access to the textbooks and teachers consultations on the site for one semester or one year. This year, the donation for one semester of the IEF educational course is 25 dollars, one year 75 dollars. For a semester, the student is given 5 textbooks, for a year about 15.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of each course, students write coursework. After the completion of the IEF course and the successful passing of the exams, students are given an international diploma.

We believe that the Absolute Truth is only the Word of God - the Bible. Any other literature is auxiliary and serves as a means for a more thorough study of the Bible.

If you are interested in the information received, join us right now!

Introductory course

This package includes three lessons from the 1st semester of the 1st year
Its free. FREE TRIAL

Basic course

This package includes a set of materials for the 1st semester of the 1st year
Donation 25 dollars

Basic course

This package includes a set of materials for the 1st and 2nd semesters of the 1st year
Donation 50 dollars